
Download resource.cfg sims 3
Download resource.cfg sims 3

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Go to this path by typing in "%appdata%" in the addressbar (or navigate manually to the shown path): If you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you have an additional path to check. Mac: /Applications/The Sims 3/The Sims 3.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/.Windows (64-Bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\.Windows (32-Bit): C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\.Now that you've emptied the Packages folders, you can remove the mods folder. Verify that the Mods\Packages folder is now empty. Go into this new folder and PASTE (or ctrl-v) them, so the files are located only in this new folder. Call it something like "My Sims 3 Packages". Make a new folder on your computer's desktop to hold these files temporarily. Select all the files and folders in the Mods\Packages folder and CUT (or ctrl-x) them (not copy!), to remove them from the folder. Mac: /Applications/The Sims 3/The Sims 3.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages.Windows (64-Bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages.Windows (32-Bit): C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages.package format content you may have from your old Mods\Packages folder. If a file is not exactly where you are being told to look for it, you do not need to delete it. DO NOT DELETE anything which you have not been told to delete. Important: If you delete the wrong things, you WILL destroy your game. To update your game: Click on the "Game Updates" tab in the launcher and click Update Now.įor more information on updating your game, see: Patching The Sims 3.įirst, you'll need to remove the old files and folders - the old Sims 3 Framework for custom content.

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If you don't see the icons at all, you need to update your game! Float your cursor over the far left one and it will tell you your base game patch version - you need to have at least patch version 1.12 or later. Look down at the very bottom left corner - you should see some tiny little icons. The easiest way to find your game version is to open the game Launcher. Your base game will have to be patched to 1.12 or later to use the new method of handling custom content. This guide will explain how to convert your method of handling custom content from the old way to the new way. package file content, allowing us to place it in a specific folder in Documents rather than Program Files, and simplifying the process by no longer requiring the d3dx9_31.dll file for script/core mods. With patch 1.12, EA has added support in Sims 3 for. package file content, and the way it was being done worked, but it was not designed to work that way. package files can be installed has changed.īefore patch 1.12, the game really didn't have support for. Installing Sims 3 Packages - Old Way to the New Way 1 Installing Sims 3 Packages - Old Way to the New Way.

Download resource.cfg sims 3